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Frequently Asked Questions

here to help you out!


What is HaU?

Hermanas Unidas provides undergraduate, graduate, and professional leadership opportunities and resources to predominantly Latina/Chicana students by participating in and organizing academic, community service, and social events/workshops.

We provide students with a support system to be successful in school and the future.


Is HaU a sorority?

Hermanas Unidas de UCD is not a sorority. We are an Identity-Based student organization at UC Davis. Hermanas Unidas Inc. is a non-profit organization that focuses on building hermandad while providing professional leadership opportunities and resources to predominately Latina/Chicana students by participating in and organizing academic, community service, and social events/workshops.


How do I know when I become a Hermana?

You become a Hermana, when you feel it in your heart! There is no "application" or "initiation" process. To us, you are a Hermana when you join us for a general body meeting, social, study jam, community service, or any event facilitated by HaU.


Can anyone join HaU?

Of course, anyone can join Hermanas Unidas! Although we are classified as an Identity-Based organization catering to the Chicanx/Latinx community, we are open to everyone and anyone who wants to join us. HaU de UCD as an Inc, does not and shall not discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, etc, in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.


How do I become an active member of HaU?

Our active members are those Hermanas who have been able to take full advantage of all of the various components that HaU de UCD has to offer. The requirements to be considered an active member are as follows: 30 Academic hours (10 per quarter), 24 Community Service hours (8 per quarter), and paid quarterly dues during the academic year.


What happens if I can't make all the meetings?

Don’t worry! We have an open-door policy, so you are welcome to come and go as you deem. In other words, whatever events you can make we are more than happy to have you! And if you can't make an event or a meeting, there are no repercussions just join us for the next one!


What are dues?

Dues are quarterly financial payments that allow us to facilitate HaU events, activities, and supplies. They allow us to improve the quality of our club and make things like T-shirts, socials, and retreats more accessible to our members. To be considered an Active member you must pay dues, but you do not need to pay dues to be a general member. There is no set amount for dues as events/activities vary each quarter. We understand if a payment plan or late payment is needed, reach out to our Treasurer for more information.



What is steering?

Steering works as the board of the organization. These Hermanas keep the organization running by facilitating General Body meetings, fundraisers, social events, academic workshops, and everything else! They are also the connection between Hermanas Unidas and our chapter here at UC Davis.


How do I become a Steering member?

If you are interested in becoming a Steering member, you must meet the Active Member status requirements for at least a quarter to run during Formal Elections, held each Spring quarter. Descriptions for each position become available in the weeks leading to elections. During the Formal Election meeting, you must come prepared with a short speech explaining why you are fit for your desired positions. If any positions are left vacant or become vacant throughout the academic year then Emergency Elections are held. You DO NOT need to meet Active Member Status to run for Emergency Elections. Peer advisor positions are NOT eligible for running, these positions are picked by that year's Co-Chairs.


How can I earn community service hours?

The easiest way to earn community service hours is by signing up and attending group community service events facilitated by HaU throughout the quarter. These hours DO NOT need to be logged by you. Individual hours can also be earned through the recurring event form, which can be found on the community service page. By using the form, your hours are automatically logged for you. If you have any questions about completing other opportunities or want to share an opportunity you can email our community service chair.


How do I log my academic hours?

You can log your hours through Snapchat! Simply send a pic to @acedemichau-ucd with your location on campus, time stamp (starting time & end time), and your full name. There is more information and an example available on the academics page. If you don’t use Snapchat you can also email our academic chair directly.


What is a Dry Organization?

A dry organization is an organization that does not host anything involving alcohol or any other substance. We ask that if you join us for any event you please respect our policy and refrain from using any substances that may inhibit your decision-making and how you interact with others. We also ask that you refrain from referring to your friends as “Hermanas” in an environment with the presence of alcohol or any drug-related substances.


What is the difference between Hermanas Unidas Inc. and HaU de UCD?

Hermanas Unidas Inc. is a non-profit organization with 18 governing chapters in the state of California. Hermanas Unidas de UC Davis (HaU de UCD) is one of the chapters that strives to represent “Inc’s” mission and values on a smaller, more personal scale on campus.


Who can I contact if I have more questions?

You can always reach out to any of our Steering members with any other questions you may have! All of Steering is available through email. You can also send a direct message on Instagram, through Discord or the form down below.

More Questions? Let us know!

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