Join us for
Hermana Thursdays!
General Body Meetings
Every Thursday
7:30 pm - 8:30pm
location to be announced
Engage with HAU!
01. Follow us on social media
Check our socials for upcoming events, updates and recaps of our events!
Instagram: @haudeucd
TikTok: @hermanasdeucd
Facebook: Hermanas Unidas de UCD
02. Join our Discord!
Best place for updates and announcements or to simply chat with other Hermanas!
Our Discord is a great method to communicate with other Hermanas! As well as to receive updates and announcements.
03. Sign up for our Newsletter!
Want reminders on our upcoming events sent directly to your mailbox?
Our newsletter is biweekly, which means that each Newsletter is sent out on the EVEN weeks of quarter. Our newsletter also includes our digital bulletin board where you can provide promote things outside of HaU with our Hermanas!
04. Check out our Linktree!
Looking for a link? Look no further!
All of our important and current links can be found in one place! These links included but are not limited to: forms for socials, community service ideas, merchandise, etc.